Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 7

Day 6-First Friday in Germany-Beginning of my first weekend away from home!

Day 5

My first real day in the classroom. I arrived earlier than my teacher! I forgot to mention that they had set up a little desk for me. I plan to go through and revise these posts when I get more time, but currently I am falling asleep typing because it is 12:15am here and I've had a very long, but great day. Anyways, I came into the room and got myself all situated at my awesome desk-I'll post pictures later too. I'm still trying to get used to the classroom schedule and am completely lost with what's going on, mainly because yesterday I didn't get to see the first half of the day because of the orientation.

Day 4-Day 1 in the school!!!

Today was our first day in the school! It was so absolutely amazing! This school corporation has 57 buses! It's huge! I'm in a 1st and 2nd grade multiage room. This means that it's a single classroom with 1st and 2nd graders in it. There is a huge range of abilities from lower level 1st graders to upper level 2nd graders. It's going to be difficult creating fun and motivating lessons. I really get to work on my differentiation. Today I mainly observed and got to interact with the students. This class is really a great group of kids and I can't wait to really dive in and work with them.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 2

January 7-Our first "travel" day

Kaiserslautern: A train trip from Ramstein-That was for sure an adventure. We figured out how to use the train stop ticket machine. We had a great train ride-a little woobly like a bumpy car, and made me a little car sick on the return trip but that's later...

We finally got to Kaiserslautern after a 20-30 minute train ride. We met with a lady and got some more stuff figured out about traveling and Germany itself. We finally got to explore the city. First stop was somewhere with sweet treats-which is where I got my donut-it was called something else but I don't remember what.

A girl that is with us had a giant something. We decided it was similar to like a donut covered in cream in a chocolate sandwich.

The lower picture is off all the people that had gotten some of the deliciousness. PS-I look gross-Sorry.

Sooo...We didn't just eat. We walked around-A lot. We found a lot of neat store and we can't wait to go back. I know the girls and I are planning a trip with just us because the boys got kind of annoyed with our shopping. Hey, when you can find a cheap pair of boots for like 10€ (that's euro)  There were a lot of old beautiful churches around the city as well. 

After the church we walked around some more and found some more awesome stores so we will definitely be going back. We finally made it back to the train station and had to figure out how to get back to Ramstein. It took some collaboration but we finally figured what we were doing. Once we got back we were hungry so that lead us on a totally different journey.

Dinner: Dubliner-Irish Pub

For dinner we went to an Irish pub-yes, an Irish pub in Germany.

I had bangers and mash-which is like brats and mashed potatoes. The potatoes were a bit too runny for my taste, but it was still delicious. To drink I had a few beers and a baby guinness shot. Everything was great and I have a feeling we will be going there many more times. Oh, and before I forget to mention it, there was a horse arena in the back of the bar-

Photo Courtesy: Christopher Minnix

We are now home and relaxing...well, kind of. I'm still getting the feeling of being ignored, and such but I might as well just get used to it. :/ Tomorrow I do believe we are finally getting our ID's. I'm ready to meet my students and get started!!

Day 1

The first plane arrived in Germany on January 5th around 10:30 or so-Germany time. This was my plane. Everything had gone okay up until then. I mean, my carry-on bag ripped at our layover, a girl I was traveling with got her hands swabbed, and the layover was taking FOREVER, but when we got to Germany one girls bag was missing. They said it would be in the next day-they lied. They lost it. I feel bad.

Well when the second plane arrived was when I started feeling icky. I mean I was thirsty and dehydrated and tired and sore...but it wasn't that kind of icky. I just knew that I was going to have a hard time enjoying myself. There are just certain things and this was one of them. Well, we all got settled in at the house, if you want to say that. Then went out to lunch at Big Emma's. Big Emma's is NO joke. The food is HUGE!! I had schnitzel, and I must say it was delicious! I really wish I had thought to take pictures. Finally we came home and I got to contact my parents using facebook because my phone was dead and wasn't charging. It sucked. I was seriously in a pissy mood not going to lie. After chilling for a bit we went to bed.
 here we go! 

 I think this might still be Indy?

 Is this Ohio?

 Maybe Pennsylvania? 

 Big difference between Indiana and here. 

We're getting close to NY!

and closer...

 Buildings are getting bigger!

 Manhattan out of the window! 

 Beauty that only God could create. 

January 6th-Our first full day
When I woke up it was like 2:30 in the morning. The jetlag got the best of me. I got to message some of my family and Andrew and felt a lot better but I was still really tired so I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until after 11. Oops. Well we got up (sore as hell!!!), got dressed and went for a walk around the village. I have a few pictures but not nearly as many as I wanted because once again, I felt rushed and like what I wanted to do didn't matter but we had to do what one other person wanted-for instance our first three day weekend=Amsterdam-gross. :/ I don't want to, but it doesn't matter. One person said "LET'S GO GET HIGH AND WASTED" and of course everyone agreed with them. So much for trip of a lifetime. I'm really regretting coming this time. I should've said money was an issue and just traveled later in life when I wouldn't be pissed off all of the time and could be with people I love.

Well on our walk around the village we had lunch at a place called Paradox. It was nice. They told us that they couldn't serve tap water-they lied, but the water cost 4,50 and beer was like 2 or 3,50. It's crazy. I might get a beer tomorrow when I don't feel so dehydrated and when I'll hopefully be in a better mood. :/

I'm still ready to just get started and be done.

 the view from our backyard


Time for Day 2 to begin...Yay?