Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1

The first plane arrived in Germany on January 5th around 10:30 or so-Germany time. This was my plane. Everything had gone okay up until then. I mean, my carry-on bag ripped at our layover, a girl I was traveling with got her hands swabbed, and the layover was taking FOREVER, but when we got to Germany one girls bag was missing. They said it would be in the next day-they lied. They lost it. I feel bad.

Well when the second plane arrived was when I started feeling icky. I mean I was thirsty and dehydrated and tired and sore...but it wasn't that kind of icky. I just knew that I was going to have a hard time enjoying myself. There are just certain things and this was one of them. Well, we all got settled in at the house, if you want to say that. Then went out to lunch at Big Emma's. Big Emma's is NO joke. The food is HUGE!! I had schnitzel, and I must say it was delicious! I really wish I had thought to take pictures. Finally we came home and I got to contact my parents using facebook because my phone was dead and wasn't charging. It sucked. I was seriously in a pissy mood not going to lie. After chilling for a bit we went to bed.
 here we go! 

 I think this might still be Indy?

 Is this Ohio?

 Maybe Pennsylvania? 

 Big difference between Indiana and here. 

We're getting close to NY!

and closer...

 Buildings are getting bigger!

 Manhattan out of the window! 

 Beauty that only God could create. 

January 6th-Our first full day
When I woke up it was like 2:30 in the morning. The jetlag got the best of me. I got to message some of my family and Andrew and felt a lot better but I was still really tired so I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until after 11. Oops. Well we got up (sore as hell!!!), got dressed and went for a walk around the village. I have a few pictures but not nearly as many as I wanted because once again, I felt rushed and like what I wanted to do didn't matter but we had to do what one other person wanted-for instance our first three day weekend=Amsterdam-gross. :/ I don't want to, but it doesn't matter. One person said "LET'S GO GET HIGH AND WASTED" and of course everyone agreed with them. So much for trip of a lifetime. I'm really regretting coming this time. I should've said money was an issue and just traveled later in life when I wouldn't be pissed off all of the time and could be with people I love.

Well on our walk around the village we had lunch at a place called Paradox. It was nice. They told us that they couldn't serve tap water-they lied, but the water cost 4,50 and beer was like 2 or 3,50. It's crazy. I might get a beer tomorrow when I don't feel so dehydrated and when I'll hopefully be in a better mood. :/

I'm still ready to just get started and be done.

 the view from our backyard


Time for Day 2 to begin...Yay?

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